Société – ESA – EURISY
Titre du Webinaire : ESA Space for Arctic Workshop (with ESA) 2 July 2024- 3 July 2024 9:00 to 17:00
Tromsø, Norway
Descriptif du Workshop :
The workshop, organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), together with Eurisy and the Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA), will bring together relevant actors from both space and a range of Arctic stakeholders (civil protection, critical infrastructure, resource exploration, and environmental and climate monitoring, protection of indigenous life, etc.) to discuss how space assets can further answer the specific needs of the Arctic. By establishing collaborative dialogue with users’ communities and industry as well as policy makers, the workshop builds on ESA actions for the Arctic Region and will inform future activities. |
Inscription :
Société – Organisme : International Astronautical Federation (IAF) & Space Communications and Navigation Committee (SCAN)
Titre du Webinaire : IAF SCAN Webinar on Perspectives of Satellite-Based Quantum Communications, 3 April 2024 15:00 CEST
Descriptif du Webinaire :
The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and its Space Communications and Navigation Committee (SCAN) are pleased to invite you to a Webinar on Perspectives of Satellite-Based Quantum Communications. Quantum communications is a rapidly developing field, offering a range of solutions that can be applied to space communications. Since the launch of the world’s first quantum communications satellite, a growing number of actors have been looking at how satellites can be used to communicate securely and how they can be used to build the quantum internet of the future. The webinar will be live streamed on the official IAF YouTube channel on Wednesday 3 April 2024 at 15:00 CEST. |
Inscription :
Société – Organisme : CNES – Bureau du CNES aux USA
Titre du Webinaire : Webinaire Google Meet « Accéder au marché spatial américain : atouts, contraintes et accompagnement » – 16:00 to 17:30 UTC+1 le 9 Nov. 2023
Descriptif du Webinaire :
Le bureau du CNES aux Etats-Unis propose un webinaire le 9 novembre 2023 à 10h EST / 16h CET sur l’accès au marché américain, axé sur l’accompagnement des entreprises françaises, en présence de Business France, Connect by CNES, GIFAS, Alliance NewSpace France, Aerospace Valley, ASTech et SAFE. Seront également abordés les prochains grands événements de ce côté de l’Atlantique (Dialogue stratégique spatial FR-US, Satellite 2024, Space Symposium, etc.). |
Inscription :
Société – Organisme : EUSPA
Titre du Webinaire : Cassiny Webinar: Capacity Building for Family Offices – 9:00 to 11:00 on 7 Dec. 2023 (UTC+1:00)
Descriptif du Webinaire :
The space industry worldwide is worth more than €460 billion per year and has been consistently growing at a CAGR of over 6% for more than ten years. It is expected to continue this growth trajectory in the coming decades, reaching €1 trillion. New space companies in Europe and around the world are creating innovative business opportunities, such as the development of new rockets, small high-performance satellites, and disruptive software applications. Currently, European ventures are significantly undervalued compared to their counterparts in the USA. This situation offers a window of opportunity for investors to capitalize on. If you are interested in space investments and want to learn more about market growth, conditions, technology development, and business models, the European Commission, EIF, ESA, and EUSPA offer a series of workshops tailored to your needs. The program aims to enhance the skills and investment methodologies of private investment funds that wish to focus on various segments of the space market. By participating in these workshops, you will gain access to: 1. Expert knowledge and insights into the space industry. 2. Information about market trends and growth opportunities. 3. Updates on technological advancements in the sector. 4. Guidance on investment strategies and business models. |
Registration :
Société – Organisme : NEREUS, Margarita Chrysaki, Communication/Project Officer
Titre du Webinaire : The Safety and Security dimention of Space IV, on 4th April 2023, 9h30-10h30
Descriptif du Webinaire :
NEREUS organises on the 4rth April 09:30-10:30 (Brussels time) the 4rth infosession on the safety and security dimension of space. The session is going to introduce the audience to the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence. The European Commission jointly with the EEAS published the strategy as a communication on 10th March 2023 (link). The discussion will focus on the use of space for security and defense. High-level speaker, Mr. Guillaume de la Brosse, European Commission, DG Defis will present the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defense. Companies and cluster representatives as well as other regional stakeholders are invited to take the floor to share their views on the use of space for security and defense. |
Registration required, simply follow the Zoom link:
Société – Organisme : Institute of Air and Space Law / Institut de droit aérien et spatial , McGill University / Université McGill, Montréal
Titre du Webinaire : The Use of Satellites in Armed Conflict: Legal and Geopolitical Implication – 1st December 2022, 16:00 – 18:00h EST
Descriptif du Webinaire :
From anti-satellite weapons tests to enhanced space-based defense capabilities, the proliferation of outer space military activities continues unabated. This proliferation threatens international peace and security and jeopardises our ability to sustainably explore and use outer space. It also necessitates a rigorous and academic ‘deep dive’ into the rules governing military space activities. What is allowed? What is prohibited? And what are the inevitable ‘grey zones’? This webinar will first discuss the prospects for expanding and clarifying the existing international law that controls outer space militarisation and weaponisation. The discussion will then shift to look at the geopolitical impact that outer space militarisation and weaponisation is having here on Earth. Intervenants : Prof. Steven Freeland, Emeritus Professor, Western Sydney University Prof. Michael Byers, Professor, University of British Columbia Prof. Maj. Jeremy Grunert, Assistant Professor, United States Air Force Academy Dr. Jessica West, Senior Researcher, Project Ploughshares Mr. Gilles Doucet, President, Spectrum Space Security Inc. Modérateur : Prof. Peter Nesgos, Adjunct Professor, McGill University |
No registration required, simply follow the Zoom link:
Société – Organisme : Institute of Air and Space Law / Institut de droit aérien et spatial , McGill University / Université McGill, Montréal
Titre du Webinaire : The Race back to the Moon: Legal and Geopolitical Implication, 4 November 2022, 11:00 – 13:00h EST
Descriptif du Webinaire : The race to return to the Moon is heating up again. The United States and its allies are engaged in a second Moon race against the Russian Federation and China – and this time with even higher stakes. The winner of this race will enjoy economic, military and political advantages for years to come. This will not only play a role in outer space but also here on Earth. As the US-led Artemis missions and the joint collaboration between Russia and China get ready to launch, the focus needs to be on the legal and geopolitical implications of these planned missions to the Moon. Another Cold War might be looming on the horizon if States do not adhere to the principles laid down in the Outer Space Treaty.
Intervenant: Prof. Olga Volynskaya, Prof. Jinyuan Su, Prof. Timiebi Aganaba Moderator: Prof. Aram Kerkonian |
No registration is required. Join the webinar on Zoom via this link:
Société – Organisme : GEOSystems France
Titre du Webinaire : « L’intelligence artificielle en télédétection dans un environnement de production » le 13 octobre 2022 à 10h, heure de Paris
Descriptif du Webinaire : Programme de la Présentation
• Présentation des jeux de données test
• Méthodologie et mise en œuvre des opérateurs IA • Présentation des résultats • Présentation de l’environnement Hexagon Geospatial Intervenant: Stéphane Lhomme, docteur en Télédétection et Célestin Huet, Ingénieur en IA |
Plus d’informations et Inscription ICI |
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : Pôle de Compétitivité SAFE
Titre du Webinaire : Moyens d’essais uniques pour le spatial en Région Sud, avec le Centre Antoine Lacassagne (CAL) et le Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit (LSBB) le 10 octobre 2022, 11h30-12h30
Descriptif du Webinaire :Pour rendre compte de l’environnement spatial, il est souvent nécessaire d’en recréer artificiellement les conditions (rayonnement ionisant, températures, vide…), et parfois également de s’affranchir de certaines perturbation spécifiquement terrestre et humaines (vibrations, convection, perturbations électromagnétique, champs magnétique terrestre…).
Le Centre Antoine Lacassagne aux côtés de son partenaire le CNES et le Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit, présenteront leurs savoir-faire en la matière et leurs équipements au cours d’un webinaire organisé par le pôle SAFE le lundi 10 octobre 2022 à 11h30. Une rare occasion de découvrir :
Intervenant: Loic CHANVILLARD |
Plus d’informations et inscription : |
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : EURISY
Titre du Webinaire : Space Service Hub – Launch Event, 22 July 2022, 10 AM – 12 PM CEST
Descriptif du Webinaire : Climb aboard and sit tight because we are embarking on a journey through different sectors, from smart cities to rural and coastal areas, to discover satellite based solutions! The Space Service Hub, powered by ESA, is a new platform on the Eurisy website to showcase a diverse set of downstream satellite-based applications. During this launch event, the audience will navigate through an animated version of planet Earth to get acquainted with the different satellite-based services populating the 3D web platform. |
Plus d’informations et inscription : |
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : EURISY
Titre du Webinaire : Colloque EuroMaritime 2022: Space for the European Bue Economy, 30 June 2022, 2:30 – 4:30 PM
Descriptif du Webinaire : Join our roundtable at Euromaritime in Marseille where we gather relevant actors in both space and maritime domains in a discussion on how space date is contributing to the sustainable growth of the blue economy, which operational solutions are currently available and eventually which benefits result from them. The discussion among the panelists will be the occasion to define a set of recommendations to favour the use of satellite-borne data and thus a wider uptake of satellite-based solution by maritime operators. |
Plus d’informations et inscription : |
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : EURISY
Titre du Webinaire : Space 4 Critical Infrastructure – Public Administration – 23 June 2022, 10 – 11 AM CEST
Descriptif du Webinaire : After the introductory sessions on the EU directive on the resilience of critical entities, the “Space 4 Critical Infrastructure” series turns towards its first of five thematic sessions. Large-scale risks such as accidents, natural disasters, and antagonistic threats, may disrupt the provision of essential services and undermine confidence in critical entities, as well as in the authorities responsible for their oversight and for keeping the population safe and secure. During the webinar, several examples will be presented on how space can boost the preparedness of public administrations in this regard.
Plus d’informations et inscription :
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : EURISY
Titre du Webinaire :Eurisy Members’ Corner: Focus on the French National Centre for Space Studies: downstream applications in the maritime domain
Descriptif du Webinaire : The French National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) will share their experience, practices and lessons learned in supporting the development of downstream applications in the maritime domain. Joining forces to implement a global « Sea & Space » strategy at national or European level is essential for CNES and the space industry in the broad sense, because Space will ultimately fuel the construction of the maritime world of tomorrow.
Intervenant : Ariel Fuchs, CNES
Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire :,6PMOI8pXiUGkrAelILpLtg,aVSTPatdTUKiyvenx16ltQ,O8fcPO39hEmiBWlw-bfqgw,qYBdgybQKkeoiWi0AXJrYw,bElbqRS850WxPZQGd44rUQ?mode=read&tenantId=d6e513b7-5947-4e1a-a8de-77d9c9188916&skipauthstrap=1
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : Pôle Astech et Pôle SAFE
Contact SAFE : Marion DENNIELOU –
Contact ASTech Paris Region : Séverine COUPÉ –
Titre du Webinaire : Webinaire Présentation AAP Aéronefs bas carbone – le 2 juin 2022 16:30 – 17:30 CEST
Descriptif du Webinaire :
La décarbonation du transport aérien est l’objectif prioritaire du volet aéronautique de France 2030, doté d’1,2Md€ de nouveaux crédits, dont 400M€ dédiés aux acteurs émergeants. Il s’agit à la fois de décarboner les aéronefs, l’écosystème industriel qui les produit, et déployer rapidement les carburants d’aviation durables.
Les pôles SAFE, ASTech, Cap Energies, Bpifrance et la Direction Générale des Entreprises vous proposent un webinaire relatif à l’appel à projets « Produire en France des aéronefs bas carbone » s’inscrivant dans le cadre de France 2030.
Webinaire animé par :
- Justine BRESARD, Chargée de développement, Direction du Pilotage des Programmes et du Support Juridique, Bpifrance
- Rasika FERNANDO, Responsable sectoriel industries aéronautiques et Spatiales, Directions des filières industrielles, Bpifrance
- Intervenant à confirmer – Direction Générale des Entreprises
- Marion DENNIELOU – Chargée Innovation et Accompagnement des entreprises – Thématiques aéronautique et spatial, SAFE
- Séverine COUPE – Responsable R&D – ASTech Paris Region
- Intervenant à confirmer – Cap Energies
Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire.
Société(s) – Organisme(s) : ESA BIC Nord France
Titre du Webinaire : Webinaire Copernicus Masters France 7 juin 2022 11:00-12:00 France
Descriptif du Webinaire : L’ESA BIC Nord France organise, en partenariat avec le CNES et l’ESA BIC Sud France, un webinaire pour présenter le Copernicus Masters 2022. Ce webinaire aura lieu le mardi 7 juin, de 11h à 12h.
Au programme :
- Présentation du Copernicus Masters : fonctionnement, défis, prix, candidature, etc.
- Présentation du soutien apporté par le CNES
- Retour d’expérience de NetCarbon (lauréat du Copernicus Masters France 2021)
- Temps de questions / réponses